R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Love SOV!!!

WOW, talk about nerves!! Well i F***ed up EMC and now i jumped in the pool with Sovereign Bank. I saw this real thing climb the mountain from $6 to $10 and then the poor lil sucka dropped to $8!! To bad, but not to bad for me, like i said i need to go long term with my trading and i did the best know rule!! BUY LOW SELL HIGH!! I bought 1000 shares at $8.09 about a week ago and had the nerve to hold. I am trying to hold till $9.74 because i have seen this climb before. I am still holding it until my set price.. When the news about FNM and FRE came out i was scared as hell, but i soon found out that the news didn't affect it all that much. Just what i like. Why? Because with all my studies i don't have a lot of time to look at them and study them so the news mean S***! So i plan on selling SOV for a pretty nice profit.. OOO sorry for my lack of blogging im working on the site.. C'MON SOV!!!

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