R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

To All My Followers and Wonderful People!!

I never thought anybody cared about me or my blog but now that i see the comments coming in its awesome! If any of you read my comments i get i got one comment saying don't rush things, he is so so so right! Don't rush things cus your going to F*** them up!! But like i said with all my comments I'm getting i feel like a true blogger.. I have starter school now :( but i haven't stopped blogging and keeping updated.

Keep em comin guys, send me emails with some good long term holds and i will look into em'. Now that the presidential election is getting close I'll have some cool contest involving them. Post what you think about them, I'd love to here! So now that i have more comments the competition is going to be awesome!! I plan on a nice prize so post a comment on what you guys want! Thanks so much guys, i really appreciate all comments!!! Thanks..

Follow me on twitter at www.twitter.com/andrewdearden


Anonymous said...

If you want us tome come here more often tease us with some stock pics before the facts.

Anonymous said...

alright will do!! thanks for the suggestion!!

mickalive said...

Thanx for your pics...I look forward to learning a lot more from your inspirational blogging.I like your attitude...There's nothing wrong with the high that comes from making some heavy coin!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mick!! Wow someone actually likes my attitude rock on man.. Thanks so much!!