R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Computers Suck and My New Vids!!

Well it seems computers are the lesser of two evils!! Computer crashed today.. Sent it back to Dell and im waiting for a new one, so i type this from the library. Dell rocks but make sure you get the 3 year warranty cus your gonna need it!! Anyway im workin getting mogulus to work so i can do live videos!! If i dont get it working i'll have video post evry day or week about whats going on.. I did one that i will be posting soon but right now im focusing on mogulus! Its gonna be awesome i'm workin on a couple of websites so im double busy!! If mogulus works it will be double awesome, it will be a fun way to learn and go over the stocks that i like.. So enjoy the rest of the weekend while it last and go COWBOYS!!

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