R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Heres One Funny Story And An Important lesson To Be Learned

As you probably know as i detailed in my last post my computer needs a new hard drive(luckily i have the 3 yr warranty) which means i get a free new computer when ever it breaks, or if i spill something on it! But i don't have time to send it back, so i have the in home service.. The "representative" i had tells me they will send me a hard drive in the next 3 to 4 day!! I asked her if shes either nuts or on drugs.. I said no way i can wait right now i hate dell and you so get me somebody who i can understand and i can talk to. So she gives me her manager i said i either get it tomorrow or i give corporate a call. After waiting for 3 hours i was heated! I said listen i need it tomorrow so it better be here. I had just placed an order for a desktop 2 days ago and to get my laptop fixed i canceled the order.. I said i hate Dell and i want the hard drive tomorrow! Well i finally got them to ship it overnight and i also got $50 coupon off my next order! So the lesson learned is they are you lil b****!! No matter what you always get what you want because they work for you. No matter who it is you have to be a hard ass or they will stomp on you.. Now i write this from my friends computer, yeah life sucks!!

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