R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Well I Guess We Won't Be Short Selling Anymore.. And The Watchlist As I Do It I Weep..

Well I Guess We Won’t Be Short selling Anymore… And The Watchlist As I Do It I Weep..
Wow a lot of news in one day shall I say one week. Yes I could give a rat’s ass about the DOW, but in some way it matters to the economy and the U.S. But With the conference on short selling its scary but its just to many people, hedge funds, and businesses run on short selling! Why would they do it?? Easy, we like to push these companies to the ground! That’s what we do and maybe we are scum but oo well that’s life. Anyway I believe Obama had the best speech on this, he’s for change and would fire all of the stupid useless dumb pieces of crap employees in the SEC. But there are so many trading opportunities!! So here ya go!

MTG- Look at the month chart its NICE!! Look to short if you can!

MBHI- A Really BIG spike nice short!!!

SBKC- WOW look at this almost a supernova (if it broke out) but this is nice and shortable!!

SOV- Like I said it was a nice buy.. I’m gonna wait for it to fall again and then buy.

GBNK- Looks like a real nice spike.. Also a good short!

HSWI- Looks like another supernova!! WOW I love this horrible market!

CORS- Yah climbing the Mt. but it’s choppy and a lil messy.. Eghh wait on this.

MCGC- Well the ball hit the ground now its bouncing back up.. Maybe a short!

MNKD- Look at the month chart it did this before.. Will it do it again??

GBNK- A really big spike.. Watch the fade..

UCFC- Wow nice spikes today.. Look to short cus I see some bad days in the future..

Looks like a good day tomorrow!! We will wait to see what happens with the friggin’ SEC who has no idea what they are doing!! Screw em’!!! Guys take advantage of tomorrow.. And GOOD LUCK!!!

PS: Suze Orman is a stupid lesbian loud mouth piece of S****!!

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