R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

R.I.P Lehman Brothers!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Like i said i wanted a real website so i got one.. its now www.andydearden.com. Please leave comments so i can see how it looks.. transfered all post today ugh... so no more of this its now www.andydearden.com!! So check in at that site everyday as you use to with this one.. Thanks and R.I.P blogspot!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Live in 10min!!! www.mogulus.com/pennystocker!!!

Okay may be a little delayed.. but i may be a lil wait!!!

LIVE Andy TV will be at 6:30pm eatern time!! Thanks and sorry for the confusion!!!

LIVE Andy TV will be at 6:30pm eatern time!! Thanks and sorry for the confusion!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Extra Extra!! Andy TV Live Tomorrow September 24 2008!!!

Like i said i will have the Live version of Andy TV!! It will be on mogulus at www. mogulus.com/pennystocker!! It will be live at 6:30pm and be in the room a little bit earlier.. I hope to have more than 25 people.. Is it really that hard to get 50 people?? If i get 100 people everybody gets a gift!!! No cheating, my new producer Sonny Le has his eye on all of you.. But it will change after tomorrow, in a good way.. We will have better graphics, more websites, and better audio!! I hope to see everybody there.. If you guys need to me to change the time for next time let me know!! I can only do things after 5:00pm.. I also hope to make a n informational DVD on it.. IT WILL BE FREE!! 3 hours free.. So look forward to that.. No watchlist cus im workin on Andy TV... You'll see tomorrow!! Thanks and hope to see you there!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Heres One Funny Story And An Important lesson To Be Learned

As you probably know as i detailed in my last post my computer needs a new hard drive(luckily i have the 3 yr warranty) which means i get a free new computer when ever it breaks, or if i spill something on it! But i don't have time to send it back, so i have the in home service.. The "representative" i had tells me they will send me a hard drive in the next 3 to 4 day!! I asked her if shes either nuts or on drugs.. I said no way i can wait right now i hate dell and you so get me somebody who i can understand and i can talk to. So she gives me her manager i said i either get it tomorrow or i give corporate a call. After waiting for 3 hours i was heated! I said listen i need it tomorrow so it better be here. I had just placed an order for a desktop 2 days ago and to get my laptop fixed i canceled the order.. I said i hate Dell and i want the hard drive tomorrow! Well i finally got them to ship it overnight and i also got $50 coupon off my next order! So the lesson learned is they are you lil b****!! No matter what you always get what you want because they work for you. No matter who it is you have to be a hard ass or they will stomp on you.. Now i write this from my friends computer, yeah life sucks!!

Computers Suck and My New Vids!!

Well it seems computers are the lesser of two evils!! Computer crashed today.. Sent it back to Dell and im waiting for a new one, so i type this from the library. Dell rocks but make sure you get the 3 year warranty cus your gonna need it!! Anyway im workin getting mogulus to work so i can do live videos!! If i dont get it working i'll have video post evry day or week about whats going on.. I did one that i will be posting soon but right now im focusing on mogulus! Its gonna be awesome i'm workin on a couple of websites so im double busy!! If mogulus works it will be double awesome, it will be a fun way to learn and go over the stocks that i like.. So enjoy the rest of the weekend while it last and go COWBOYS!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pretty Nice Day Market Up Again And The SEC Sucks But You Gotta Love Em’

Pretty Nice Day Market Up Again And The SEC Sucks But You Gotta Love Em’

Well I guess a lot of stocks I put out looked good today, and I missed it all, that’s trading! I missed SOV like I said and I am kicking my self in my ass.

That’s because I was a wussie and didn’t get it when I should have. I hope to see a decline in the market on Monday so I can get SOV. The SEC rule isn’t all that bad I guess you can’t short in a down market or when the stock is down something among those stupid rules. The non-shortable stocks are not shortable until October 2nd, ironic a day after my birthday!! Anyway I’m big for Obama and even though I can’t vote just like I have no word in the SEC but I still care, because in some way its gonna help the Market, either in a negative or positive. Think how nice these run ups can be, no shorts, no dumps!!! This could be the best thing for penny stocking so far the last couple of months.

The race is getting close and I see McCain and lil nobody Palin falling to pieces and so is this market. Wait I don’t care about the market so what am I saying?? These Pennystocks will prosper greatly because of this with the low volume in these, wow if only you knew how excited I am!

I also have some good news.. I will be coming out with YouTube videos!! Ya wanna see a scrawny lil white/pale ass kid 13yr old kid you got it!! I will be going over stocks on the day what I think, and I hope to see questions that I will answerer... I will have more websites coming up for questions, concerns, and crap!! So it will be coming out this weekend, and I can’t wait! So enjoy the weekend while it last cus come Monday it’s a whole new world!! Check in on Saturday to learn or even see the video!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Well I Guess We Won't Be Short Selling Anymore.. And The Watchlist As I Do It I Weep..

Well I Guess We Won’t Be Short selling Anymore… And The Watchlist As I Do It I Weep..
Wow a lot of news in one day shall I say one week. Yes I could give a rat’s ass about the DOW, but in some way it matters to the economy and the U.S. But With the conference on short selling its scary but its just to many people, hedge funds, and businesses run on short selling! Why would they do it?? Easy, we like to push these companies to the ground! That’s what we do and maybe we are scum but oo well that’s life. Anyway I believe Obama had the best speech on this, he’s for change and would fire all of the stupid useless dumb pieces of crap employees in the SEC. But there are so many trading opportunities!! So here ya go!

MTG- Look at the month chart its NICE!! Look to short if you can!

MBHI- A Really BIG spike nice short!!!

SBKC- WOW look at this almost a supernova (if it broke out) but this is nice and shortable!!

SOV- Like I said it was a nice buy.. I’m gonna wait for it to fall again and then buy.

GBNK- Looks like a real nice spike.. Also a good short!

HSWI- Looks like another supernova!! WOW I love this horrible market!

CORS- Yah climbing the Mt. but it’s choppy and a lil messy.. Eghh wait on this.

MCGC- Well the ball hit the ground now its bouncing back up.. Maybe a short!

MNKD- Look at the month chart it did this before.. Will it do it again??

GBNK- A really big spike.. Watch the fade..

UCFC- Wow nice spikes today.. Look to short cus I see some bad days in the future..

Looks like a good day tomorrow!! We will wait to see what happens with the friggin’ SEC who has no idea what they are doing!! Screw em’!!! Guys take advantage of tomorrow.. And GOOD LUCK!!!

PS: Suze Orman is a stupid lesbian loud mouth piece of S****!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stock Watchlist Yes I Am Back!!

Okay been busy and a lil lazy but here is the watchlist!!

CCE- Yes a really real company but look at the chart.. Almost like SOV so predictable!!

ADY- C'mon you gotta love it perfect chart!! My favorite chart!!

RUS- Boring lil spike... Could fall a couple cents who knows who cares??

NWA- Again could fall some.. Who cares??

COIN- Pretty nice fall.... May find a rock to climb and will fall again.. Watch it!!

SOV- If falls a little more i will buy like i did before.. Target price is $8.00.. We will watch.

CRXX- Watch it could fall some more..

MITI- Could bounce back up because it has before.. Its playable be patient!!

Thats all guys sorry im lazy... Im glad to be back! My AIM screen name is Redsoxshatr345.. IM me when i don't post!! God Luck!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sorry Everybody! Im Just Busy!

Okay got a email comment asking where have i been?? Guys i have just been so so so so busy.. School, 3 hours of homework, and this takes up my life.. Its okay though cus i love doing this so it makes it fun.. It's just i have been slacking off and being lazy.. But its all my fault, no post, no watchlist, no updates it sucks for everybody... So starting Monday, i am back, yes i am living on hours of sleep, but sleep is for wussies, so f*** it.. But im really sorry about being lazy and not posting... Anyways enough of my mouth... I will have a post coming soon on the Presidential race, wow is it close.. I'm excited bout it, cant wait to run my mouth about it... But I'm so sorry guys!! Go OBAMA!!!